Poetry, New Beginnings Allen. Poetry, New Beginnings Allen.


our dreams are often contradictory as we yearn for various differing realities negating one another. from completely opposite backgrounds to inability to maintain order as the elements in our dreams persist complete integration, the tragic yet often humbling necessity us humans must adhere to is pursuing choices.

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Art, New Beginnings Maeca Camus Art, New Beginnings Maeca Camus

A New Door

When we open a new door, a lot of uncertainties awaits us. We fear the idea of the unknown and the risk of experiencing something that could tear us apart. Anxiety and what ifs lingers our mind for not knowing what’s next.

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Art, New Beginnings Kyara Ferbena Art, New Beginnings Kyara Ferbena

Conversations with the Wind

When the voices get a bit louder and your thoughts race back and forth, where do you go to stay grounded? How do you get back in the driver's seat? Is there a place— a sanctuary that resets your state of mind, somewhere you go to, or wish to, when the world around you feels too much to handle? Did something/one come to mind?

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Art, New Beginnings Denisha Hawari Art, New Beginnings Denisha Hawari


It looks as though it is a giant head splitting into another. in respect of mitosis, it is shown as though another way to give birth to a new life, by yourselves.

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Poetry, New Beginnings Dara Larasati Poetry, New Beginnings Dara Larasati

should i be influenced?

During this pandemic, there is a significant rise in social media influencers creating content while promoting businesses. Despite some influencers recognising their responsibility as a content creator with their large platform, some showcase questionable behaviour which can influence their young audiences to perpetuate unethical actions or even hurt their well-being.

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Art, New Beginnings Gadisikal Art, New Beginnings Gadisikal

New Era

We don’t know what’s going to happen on the next day, next decisions, next impact of our steps. All we can do is just hope and predict as time flies by. But this is not an end. It took a long way down for me to understand the meaning of every beginning and when the time has come to be released.

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Essays, New Beginnings Sheena Abigail Essays, New Beginnings Sheena Abigail

Universal Beauty: A Myth or The “New Normal”?

This essay reviews the history of “beautiful” and possible explanations as to how beauty standards are the way they are. With the recent changes in how it’s defined and having eliminated the judgmental and selective nature that it once carried, what are the implications for us? For the segregation between the “beautiful” and the “ugly”? Or has the definition even changed at all, or will it remain to be something we all dream for?

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Poetry, New Beginnings Stefi Komala Poetry, New Beginnings Stefi Komala

Easy Dreaming

​2020 has been a highly unpredictable year. 2 defining traits of these recent months include (1) the rising popularity of online classes and (2) discussions concerning social justice. Keeping up with both can be extremely tiring; when life is hard, many of us prefer to “sleep the depression away.” This inspired me to write “Easy Dreaming”. Essentially, this piece is my take on Burnout Syndrome and activism fatigue in relation to the current theme (new beginnings!)

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Art, New Beginnings Alisha Dinara Art, New Beginnings Alisha Dinara

Split Ends

Letting go of the past is unquestionably a difficult thing to overcome. Past friends, love interests, pain, and trauma tend to linger in the depths of your mind, unyielding to the passage of time. Regret and grief can hinder you from changing as a person; Split ends breaking off and preventing the growth of your character.

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Poetry, New Beginnings Dara Larasati Poetry, New Beginnings Dara Larasati

a study on brown eyes

Recite to me a quote from a piece which comments on the beauty of brown eyes. Tongue-tied? For years, brown eyes are dismissed by authors, emphasising the contemporary art’s unrealistic beauty standard which afflicts underrepresentation and insecurity towards readers who do not possess features in accordance with the standard. However, there is something mesmerising about brown eyes, shaped like the craters of Mars, in its own amaranthine, natural way which we must awaken to readers.

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Poetry, New Beginnings Lucy Stacklin Poetry, New Beginnings Lucy Stacklin


people say that it’s hard to write without the letter ‘e’, as a writer whose self expression relies on the infinite alternatives of words, losing a letter means to lose an intricate pillar and be crippled and disadvantaged, but I went through constant loss of the essential support in my life--even several at once--yet still survived. This poem is a juxtaposition of lacking the complete alphabet and not being whole from losing parts of your individuality but still persevering [and hopefully, creating meaning and beauty in the chaos].

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Essays, New Beginnings Chiquita Widjaja Essays, New Beginnings Chiquita Widjaja

The Shining Beryl

Beautiful, mighty and mysterious. Those are the three words most people would use to describe the sparkling sapphire water; the ocean. That is until you find yourself in the middle of it and feel yourself slowly losing air and sinking deeper and deeper every second. You keep kicking and screaming but no one came. You keep crying and reaching for help but all you can feel is the dark, cold and eerie around you. Eventually, your screams become muffled and all hope of keeping your head above water are washed away by the tide. You become quiet and lifeless. You let the ocean core sucks you in because you’re tired of swimming. But then one day, there in the corner of your vision, you see a speck of light.

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