Conversations with the Wind

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When the voices get a bit louder and your thoughts race back and forth, where do you go to stay grounded? How do you get back in the driver's seat? Is there a place— a sanctuary that resets your state of mind, somewhere you go to, or wish to, when the world around you feels too much to handle? Did something/one come to mind? 


These places are havens that provide our innermost selves with safety and reassurance. In Conversations with the Wind, it explores new beginnings through the understanding of the process of getting there, and what we do once we are. What you see here is an attempt to interpret safe havens with a view from a mountain peak. No, this mountain view isn’t my sanctuary per se. However, it is how I envision building myself back up whenever I get overwhelmed.


There’s a commonality in this piece, and in real life that I wanted to highlight— the isolation. I usually sit and observe. I take deep breaths and immediately blast songs on my laptop to take my mind off of my anxiety. 


Rebirths and new beginnings aren’t always pretty, nor are they easy things to achieve. You have to work hard and stay committed to your goals, as one fallout could easily lead us astray. It’s inevitable that we encounter pain and hardships everyday, but that’s all part of how we grow as individuals. Look at life the way the painting sets you to. Envision yourself as if you are on that mountain. Now look further ahead. Further. Even further. Just a bit more.


Now here. This is your future. Whatever the current obstacle, there’s a whole new chapter you can look forward to. The days will get better, never underestimate the power you have. 


