Essays, Oddity Amelia Putri Qatarina Essays, Oddity Amelia Putri Qatarina

a renaissance

The journey of life is a mysterious one. One that is filled with obstacles, challenges, heartbreaks but also love, pleasure and joy.

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Art, New Beginnings Fatimah Afnantwina Refyan Art, New Beginnings Fatimah Afnantwina Refyan

bangkit dari kematian

bagi manusia kelahiran kembali tidak selamanya berwarna, tetapi ada kelahiran kembali karena tuntutan atau desakan peradaban, maka mau tak mau ia harus lahir kembali menghidupi raganya di keadaan yang gelap, menyabotase diri sendiri, berjalan sambil merintih dan berdarah-darah menanggung keberlangsungan hidupnya.

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Art, New Beginnings Kyara Ferbena Art, New Beginnings Kyara Ferbena

Conversations with the Wind

When the voices get a bit louder and your thoughts race back and forth, where do you go to stay grounded? How do you get back in the driver's seat? Is there a place— a sanctuary that resets your state of mind, somewhere you go to, or wish to, when the world around you feels too much to handle? Did something/one come to mind?

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Essays, New Beginnings Chiquita Widjaja Essays, New Beginnings Chiquita Widjaja

The Shining Beryl

Beautiful, mighty and mysterious. Those are the three words most people would use to describe the sparkling sapphire water; the ocean. That is until you find yourself in the middle of it and feel yourself slowly losing air and sinking deeper and deeper every second. You keep kicking and screaming but no one came. You keep crying and reaching for help but all you can feel is the dark, cold and eerie around you. Eventually, your screams become muffled and all hope of keeping your head above water are washed away by the tide. You become quiet and lifeless. You let the ocean core sucks you in because you’re tired of swimming. But then one day, there in the corner of your vision, you see a speck of light.

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