Issue 1: New Beginnings

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It’s a new dawn. We often hear this contemporary catchphrase to describe changing landscapes and environments as we live in an age of ever-changing realities that swiftly shape the way we think, act, and feel. However big or small the impact is, as we journey to explore new possibilities brought by the start of whatever we’re facing or doing, it’s part of our innate human nature often wonder where the path we’re walking on is taking us. We see new faces, places, opportunities, and choices before us. We awaken a part of us that regenerates our soul as we set out to embark on the adventures of a lifetime, or as we go through another simple day. 

One way or another, you’ve experienced it. The unwelcoming unfamiliarity that the situation you’re in entailed. Clouded by an irreplaceable, puzzling sense of yearning for neither an object or emotion. Fearful of the repercussions that might be generated by every little step you take. Distant and closed off to the other roads you could travel through. Through joys, ease, difficulties, and hardships, a personal renaissance awaits you in the end. Knowing whatever you choose to be or identity you manifest will do no harm. Slowly opening up to be completely bare and vulnerable, tearing down the walls that fortify us from the outside world. Calling the foreign ‘sense of being’ home. Living vivaciously in extravagance of heart and spirit. An absence of negativity, a state of eternal bliss in our paradise dreamscape, hopeful for the future ahead.

Not all beginnings lead to a utopia. We might face a bleak new reality that dilutes our memories in the sands of time, discarding it to mere flickers of visions that are neither appreciated nor adored. You went through this before. Facing new burdens unfathomable by the captive mind, locked behind illusive bars. Chasing mirages, or nostalgic concepts, which appear and vanish continuously to its own liking. Straying away from our roles and purpose to traverse down an abstract road of apathetic mistakes. Consummated by intoxicating indulgences and vices. Or even, perhaps, nothing happens and everything stays the same. 

Mind Over Matter’s first issue will revolve around new beginnings, inception, comebacks, and rebirth. What is, precisely, a new beginning and what are its manifestations? How has it changed us? As we’re starting to grow our close-knit community, we’re excited to explore these universal concepts through your perspectives. Send us your articles, essays, photographs, artworks, illustrations, paintings, sculptures, or anything that you think can perfectly represent the essence of our theme. All submissions should follow our guidelines as listed on the SUBMISSIONS PAGE, and must be sent to from September 1 - 20,  2020. 

Keywords: new beginnings, start, dawn, new page, inception, genesis, first, awakening, revival, renaissance, rebirth, first

Full New Beginnings mood board here


The Shining Beryl