Oddity, Photography Dinda Pasavrilia Oddity, Photography Dinda Pasavrilia

Revisiting One’s Childhood

Social norms have repressed childhood interests into the vessel termed ‘forgotten oddity’. The fast-paced working world of today has coerced us to leave our childhood fantasy and dreams behind, to grow up and adapt to a ‘mature’ reality.

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Oddity, Essays Fayna Aurelia Oddity, Essays Fayna Aurelia

disquiet house

On reconciling chronic childhood fears and finding balance in a sprouting identity. A haunting in two parts: dreams and reality.

Thumbnail is from the 2004 film The Taste of Tea

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Essays, New Beginnings Mrrlors Essays, New Beginnings Mrrlors


Honeywarm is a piece that conveys that faraway sense of nostalgia and childhood, invoke those memories and bask in it so we can move forward knowing. It’s important, before our new beginnings, that we remember where we came from and bring the positives with us forward (e.g., the memory of a tree’s shade, corner arcade, diner milkshakes.)

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