Looking Back

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Life goes on dynamically, no matter how bad or good situations are life must go on, we cannot go back, but will always look back and feel the nostalgia. It is the feeling everybody loves and wants to feel again, again and again. We feel nostalgia because of the comfort of the past. It is commonly caused by things that remind us of the past like scent, places, or even a sentence that someone said. We can also do some actions that we have done in the past for “old time sake” like for example that secret handshake that you did with your best friend back in high school or maybe even tell stories from your teenage years to your kids. looking back feels very nice and that’s why people do it so much, that’s why we listen to our childhood music we used to listen to or go to the school we used to go to, it’s to reminisce on the fun, the smiles, and the tears we went through in the past


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