Diary of a ten-year-old girl

Diary of a ten-year-old girl.png

Sometimes we’re going too fast in life, forgetting the things that really matter. If you ever find one of your old writings or diaries, see how much you became, how much you changed. I bet you would miss everything, the little things you used to do or the people you used to love so dearly. “Diary of a Ten-years-old Girl” shows a nostalgic feeling after reading a diary.

While others cried listening to a song that reminded them of their childhood, I am one of those people who always cries whenever I read my old diaries. Like every other kid my age, we like to write the most absurd, weird, and not-so-important events in our days. These random thoughts are most likely to be written in our diaries. I found a couple of silly memories while reading it, mostly consisting of my favourite kids show or how my friend and I played that day. But on another part of it, I read my memories of my mom and dad. Some days were filled with me getting pissed by their lectures lol, but the rest was my happy memories together with them. Whenever I feel lost with my life, reading my old diaries give me some kind of reassurance. In the end, I grew up quite okay and loved.



fixation, fatalism, and feelings


Looking Back