To be Heroes for Ourselves

“I Don’t Know What I Can Save You From,”

But why do we always try to save someone?

Why don’t we just think about ourselves?

Isn’t it already a handful?

Why do we always want to be a hero in other’s life?

Why don’t we just try to be the happiest person on earth?

If I can choose to become a selfish or a selfless person, I will choose to become a selfless person.

To care about my happiness is the only thing that makes me want to live, and pursue the life that I

always want to be.

Why is everything is always about someone else?

Such as fights for our loved ones

Don't ourselves are worth fighting for too?

Are you willing to fight for yourself?

Or are you love the idea of fighting for others and become the ‘hero’?


Till’ the Clock Strikes


The Classical Piano Blues