Oddity, Essays Star Jessalyn Oddity, Essays Star Jessalyn


What happens when someone so used to running away from deepening connections, is faced with emotional stability? Told through alternating perspectives from a hotelier who crosses paths with a fateful guest, and collages of personal conversation excerpts I’ve had, “Heartbreak Hotel” explores the peculiarity in choosing healthy attachment while unlearning the tiring cycles of familial dysfunction, chronic self-sabotage, and most of all, the fear of intimacy and loving.


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Art, New Beginnings Alisha Dinara Art, New Beginnings Alisha Dinara

Split Ends

Letting go of the past is unquestionably a difficult thing to overcome. Past friends, love interests, pain, and trauma tend to linger in the depths of your mind, unyielding to the passage of time. Regret and grief can hinder you from changing as a person; Split ends breaking off and preventing the growth of your character.

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