Art, New Beginnings Ribka Pandensolang Art, New Beginnings Ribka Pandensolang

Somewhere You Know.

If you ask me where would I be right now? I’ll simply say the very moment and place you asked me that question. I’m scared of changes, yet I seek the thrill for the unknown. All the moments and all the seconds I’ve lived leads up to the moment you asked that statement. Between the seconds of thinking time, between the infinities of nanoseconds and so and so - I know I’m terrified. Things are changing, you see it I think.

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Art, New Beginnings Luthfi Setiawan Art, New Beginnings Luthfi Setiawan


Re-metamorphosis explores beginnings that follows loss, such as the loss of something important to you as the result of trauma. In that case, even thinking about new beginnings can be something worrying or even frightening. But beginnings are always a chance to turn over a new chapter; a chance to reinvent yourself. That is something that I needed to tell myself time and time again growing up.

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Art, New Beginnings Denisha Hawari Art, New Beginnings Denisha Hawari


It looks as though it is a giant head splitting into another. in respect of mitosis, it is shown as though another way to give birth to a new life, by yourselves.

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