

Being dubbed “odd” early in youth is not an uncommon occurrence. You hit the 13-year mark and the world opens up to you. You can finally decide on your own who you want to be, and mistakes will be made in the process. Your child-like fingers reach out to grasp on anything that can define you; a movie, a book, or a genre of music, perhaps? You realize nobody else shares your interests (“It’s weird,” they said), so you hide it.

A few years later you’re a bit older. You’re stuck at home for God knows how long and the time you spend alone with yourself is suddenly abundant. Seven months into quarantine, you find yourself gravitating towards the things you once loved at 13. You dust off an old DVD of the movie you devoted your identity to back in middle school, and the feeling you had back then washes over you again.

Reminisce is about finding joy once more in the things you cherished in your youth, no matter how “odd” or “weird” it was. It’s reclaiming the peculiarity you felt at 13. The fire of your obsession over a certain piece of media in the past is reignited, now with a feeling of fondness and nostalgia. It’s holding your 13-year old self and telling her it’s alright to like things other people don’t.


spot the difference


Pluto Misses You Dearly