Ode to Odd Love

Fires of my breath and strange whispers of yours

We’re two souls entagled in this world of peculiarity

Raging with fire, struggling with demons, nothing consumed us faster than the past

The scars that it gave me hurt everytime you mention him, they cut like a knife

Would we go on a different path, if he was still alive?

You said it’s complicated, but is anything safe ever worth the drive?

Our world is too bizarre, you can save all your reasons 

“We've all got demons to slay" 

You said with a sympathetic face that day

Oh the things we have endured to get to this day

Don’t you remember what's bringing us together?

You fit in nowhere, i fit in nowhere

People rejected me, people belittled you

They don’t understand what it means to be different

Yet we've found our home, we've found each other

Our strangeness stretch across time and space

Unrestricted, wild and pretty

Celebrated, feared, gazed upon,

Despised and desired

Our peculiarity, our love, they are never an accident

We are each other's destiny, that is more than enough reason to stay




spot the difference