Issue 2: Oddity

We’ve always embraced some aspects of conformity as an irreplaceable part of our lives. To a degree, as humans it’s natural to be driven with the urge to fit in so we can mobilize ourselves in reaching ambitious dreams within our ever-growing civilization. Mankind has evolved from its humble, traditional roots to inevitably cultivate accepted norms and customs through passed down generational wisdoms and teachings. While it may differ throughout diverse cultures from far-flung corners of the globe, these beliefs have shaped our individual selves, what we stand for, and how we interact with others. As compliance to these direct, or at times implicit, rules is mandated, enforced through perplexing social hierarchies and organization, these decrees dictate our lives and play a significant part in influencing our mindset and perspectives.

Are we really who we are? If we’re merely a byproduct of generations of imposed rigidity, despite our unique differences, are all of us just a part of a larger, monotonous collective? We’re gradually becoming more immersed in this system that we neglect the suppressed, discreet parts of our identity. From small gestures we hid in fear of public humiliation, to flames of passionate, grandiose flamboyance extinguished to ashes of spiritless timidity, we often reject mystifying facades of our selfhood. Materialistic gains, authority or prestige in work, and monetary achievements often manipulate concepts of worth, transforming it to become the sole defining factor that determines our place in society. These structural prisons give little time to wonder and ponder about the abstract, incoherent reasoning of why things are the way they are - or anything else beyond. If we continue to solely foster our mundane personas, have we actually existed as a separate entity, in this ocean of like-minded people? Have we ever thought about what goes on in - or more specifically what is - the unknown?

Life itself is an unfound miracle. The fabric of existence itself is indecipherable. How can we even thrive in the middle of an abyss of lifeless nothingness? Is our presence in a universe so indifferent to the changes we face, a phenomenon of unimaginable proportions? Why are our origins vague, undefined, and ambiguous just as our purposes are? With these realizations, the tangible, definite sides of reality should thus never constrict our personal journeys or explorations in this world. When we’re starting or embarking onwards to a new chapter in our lives, we must have the courage, conviction, and bravery to venture into the supranatural. The hidden mysterious forces that entice adventurers to brave through remnants of ancient civilizations. The supernatural, cosmic powers of unseen spirits. The eeriness of being and becoming only us. Nor can we dim our other sides, our individual quirks, strangeful ways, or other defining features - oddities - that make you and I truly different from one another.

Mind Over Matter’s second issue will discover the strange, eccentric concept behind oddity. What precisely defines being ‘weird’ and in what ways do these behaviors or conditions take form? How has our experience with and understanding of peculiarity shaped ourselves? In what ways do the lines that separate the common, normal aspects of our existence with the ambiguity that lies beyond our minds manifest? Is the basis life itself an enigmatic anomaly? Submit your articles, essays, photographs, artworks, illustrations, paintings, sculptures, or anything that you think can capture the spirit of our theme. All submissions must adhere to our guidelines as listed on our SUBMISSIONS PAGE, and sent to from October 1 - 20,  2020. 

Keywords: oddity, peculiarity, vagaries, vagueness, haze, odd, unearthly, petrifying, thriller, enigma, bizzare, idiosyncrasy, dissonance, anomaly

Full Oddity mood board here


Split Ends


a study on brown eyes