
ghosting by @lisafearson.jpg

This piece was taken on a disposable film camera in my bedroom. It was a picture of my friend but they are covered up by a drawing of a ghost. The idea to do this was inspired from Phoebe Bridges’ album cover for “Stranger in the Alps” along with ghost pictures being a big trend at the time that I made this. Disposable cameras are one of my favourite ways to take photos as they have a unique look to them and the photos often feels much more personal to me because of the time and effort of taking photos on something other than a phone and having to develop them before you can even see what they look like. Another thing I love about this image is my picture wall in the background which is a collection of posters, paper, and pictures I’ve accumulated over years. The printed image of “ghosting” is now also added to that same photo wall in the image itself.


Are You Jealous?
