Game Over! Continue?

Game Over.GIF

When you’re playing an arcade game and you’re currently smashing it, then suddenly the screen says ‘Game Over!’ while you’re only 1 level away from victory, what will you do? The screen asks you if you want to continue the second game with the cost of 1 coin. Will you use the coin? 


This is the concept I use on this piece. The game represents something that we’re fighting for. The journey that we’re going through for our goals or dreams. Of course, things don’t always happen smoothly. Challenges and obstacles are getting harder and harder, just like the levels in a game. 


There will be a point when you fall. Times when you fail and everything seems to crumble. The game over screen is clearly there. But, you always have the option to give up, or keep on going and try again. Although, second chances isn’t always there, it’s most likely there.


When second chances do happen, you’re given another round to start again, or continue what you have done with a brand new spirit, brand new motivations, brand new lessons, and brand new you. Like when you retry a game with new lives. The good thing is you’ll understand what you should and shouldn’t do.


Again, will you use the coin? 


7 Days of Un/Productivity; an 8-page Zine

