

The desire to escape reality is inexorable to those of us burdened with the harshness of life. We choose ignorant bliss over the bitter truths of being human. As the world seems to crumble around us and crush us under its weight, we seek reprieve in the joys and happiness of a different time. Like a baby hiding under their plush blankets, we choose not to see the things we fear and seek comfort in familiarity. In the great masquerade of escapism, our shadows obscure our faces from what we cannot accept. Our true forms become distorted and confused, unwilling to separate comfort and reality. Buried under myriad personas, our souls become fractured. Only by accepting this imperfect world for what it is will our clouded eyes be clear, and our identities become whole once again.

Model: @Aaalisshhaa


The Classical Piano Blues


How to Look Out For Nightmares