Aphrodite’s Worth

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. But what if Aphrodite is no longer the most beautiful one of all? Unfortunately, what she saw in the mirror is the value of her worth: Her beauty. 

What was once her power, is now rivaled against someone else's. Aphrodite's jealousy grew and grew. But why wouldn't it? Psyche the mortal had caught everyone's attention because of the way she looked. This of course, made the goddess take matters into her own hands. 

If the value of her worth is her beauty, then upon looking at the mirror, she knows now that she is worthless.

In a world where how attractive a person (or a goddess) is can get them places, how could we all not end up obsessing with the way we look? Just like Aphrodite, we often suffer and deal with bitter emotions. Because while they all say, "someone else's beauty doesn't take away from your own", it is a public secret that that is not always true. 


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