An Odyssey of Star Strings

your starry eyes illuminated

the plastic planets of the 

solar system mobile. 

fragile fingers attempt to reach 

pocket Ice Giants but-

do you know how minuscule you are?

look beyond miniature planets to ponder

as you sink into the vast ocean of dark yonder-

inside Laniakea and across the supercluster, 

within your bones and singularity unveiled as a lover.

On the surface, Mercury’s perfect gray 

but have you seen my white crater rays?

although closest to the sun, i can’t radiate Venus’s

feverish warmth and blazing beauty hot spots.

i revolve faster than the others

but it’s never enough-

why does everything seem so small?

where are all my moons of a playmate?

my peculiar swift revolution must come into acceptance

my adaption to loneliness became newfound independence.

Venus, named after the goddess of love and beauty,

yet beware- no rose would survive in my atmosphere.

Mercury, i long to have my Luna and Io too

but my extreme temperatures, like the desperate waves of the sea,

veiled by clouds of sulfuric acid, would you want to be near me?

Felt like frozen time, days longer than my years, 

ice cold distance, my rotation conflicts with my peers,

but i feel beloved despite by rocky and rugged,

and i remain to blaze my yellow hues-

warm like morning tea.

flying by me?

don’t be fooled by my rusty iron-

i’m the colour of red amaryllis.

swirling dust storms, 

Valles Marineris of the moment,

it’s no wonder that Phobos and Deimos

are by my side.

but don’t fear me- your people disguised as

rovers and orbiters,

come to me as if I’m the light to worshippers.

you might shiver when kissed by my 

southern winters of bitterly cold,

but my spring days will come to melt and renew the old.

They name me Jupiter, after the supreme King himself.

but do I truly live up to that name?

my stripes and swirls may move like water but 

these clouds are cold and freezing. 

My Great Red Spot may seem extraordinary to you

but to me, it’s a war against my sorrows of a swarm.  

but my multitudinous moons stay beside me, 

the storm gradually dies, these chilly clouds, I can withstand.

Adorned with pearls as pure as snowstorm’s snowflakes,

rings as light as an eagle’s feather,

perhaps my auroras can show you

that I am persevering to be the one who brings forth. 

now, would you come to me?

my planet of the seven rings,

aren’t you enamoured by them?

but look at my pale yellow fused with

surging storms of orange and white- 

when i have no one to shine for, 

i feel like i bring gloom to those who i adore. 

but look at my world of marvelous moons-

Mirrorball giant, Enceladus, sprinkling its oceans out to you,

Hyperion’s unpredictable rotation, other moons to explore too,

Titan’s surface, seas and lakes; something worth drowning for,

Saturn’s little world, wouldn’t you want to explore

Uranus’s skies, crisp core,

only Voyager 2 has paid a visit,

look at me, who would adore?

but besides my icy blue,

emerald gardens fluoresce through.

although you may never live here,

i was the first planet your kind saw.

my playmates of moons twirl around me

along with my rings worth of a sightsee.

my winter degrees may numb limbs, age old ends,

but perhaps you’ll find snowflakes to befriend


years away, feels like frozen time,

farthest from the sun, it’s going to be a climb.

imperceptible to your eyes, navigate me through hieroglyphics 

yet, i hope you know

that I’m here for you-

coldest of them all, i understand why you would stay away,

frozen fingertips, wintry woes, how nice to touch the Sun’s ray.

But before you freeze into eternity, death as debris in my rings,

I hope you remember the kiss of my winds’ wings

flying back home.

Come to Mother Nature’s arms-

all these broken continents, once used to be 

a united Pangaea,

the way that we are all singular threads,

woven into looms of one tapestry.

Although there are unearthly bounds 

your temporary toes may never 


Please believe that  the enigmatic elements 

of the mundane you find bizarre, 

once belonged to a star.


a renaissance


I am a Witch