a renaissance

The journey of life is a mysterious one. One that is filled with obstacles, challenges, heartbreaks but also love, pleasure and joy.  Often times we hear that one of the greatest periods of the journey of life dates back to the very beginning; our birth. The day that we were miraculously brought upon this world shook the heavens and the clouds above us. If you believe in faith then you would understand the beauty in the birth of a child, because not only is it the start of someone’s life (the child itself) but it is also the start of a new page for someone else. For the mother, it is the start of motherhood; likewise fathers, brothers and sisters.

Ever wondered why humans feel inclined to celebrate a birthday? It’s not simply the day that we were born. The people around us, our precious friends and family, feel inclined to celebrate birthdays because it is the day that we were brought upon this world. If that day didn’t happen, they wouldn’t have met you and their lives would be ever so different.

As we grow older, we are faced with bigger and tougher obstacles. As we climb our way up the seemingly endless flight of stairs, we will encounter massive walls that represent the obstacles in life; be it that is your financial issues, psychological issues, family issues or identity issues. Regardless of what that wall represents, we must find a way to climb and make our way through it. Sometimes instead of a wall, we will encounter a treacherous dark hole that will mercilessly haul you in like a vacuum. Once you have fallen, it will feel like you can no longer get back up the flights of stairs because now your body is falling deeper and deeper into the seemingly bottomless pit that will represent the toughest days of your lives.  Inside this pit is when we are at the worst psychological state of mind. We feel helpless or defeated. Wondering if it is possible to get back up. Wondering if you even want to get back up.

When such times come around we often forget that a revival is possible. We forget that we can be figuratively reborn. We can stand back up and start a new journey. We can build a new set of stairs from the pit all the way back to our original flight of stairs.  It is possible and it is called a renaissance.

Starting anew is not an easy breeze. It’s challenging, demanding but refreshing. When we start to feel powerless, lost or impotent; maybe it is time for us to start a new beginning. Start again with the intention of climbing our way back up again. Start by accepting the fact that we have experienced a falling moment but we are now ready to take on the challenges of life again regardless of how long it might take.  Starting anew does not only require optimism, but it will also require determination, relativism, resolve and perhaps the most critical contributor… patience.

A newborn baby does not immediately become a successful person. It will take challenges, heartbreaks, love, pleasure and joy before the child shows his/her greatest potential. It takes time before the flower that has just budded blooms into the beautiful flower that it is.


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